Getting Started


AdQuick provides an API for planning and launching new auction and guaranteed out of home (OOH) campaigns or access reporting for campaigns planned via the AdQuick app.

We hope you find these docs simple and easy to understand. If you have any questions or feedback, please email our team at

Media Buying


Forecast auction-based digital out of home (DOOH) inventory, activate and manage RTB campaigns, submit and schedule creatives, and gather delivery reporting data.


Plan guaranteed out of home (OOH) campaign, place insertion orders, submit and schedule creatives, and gather in-flight data (booked unit locations, daily impressions, etc) on the ongoing campaign.


Access campaign details like; impressions, spend, unit and screen details, status and more for campaigns planned via the API or the AdQuick app. Leverage these reports to update CRM systems and include media plan details and analytics into BI tools to gather insights.


AdQuick provides a REST-based API that conforms to standard HTTP best practices. The API returns JSON-encoded responses.


During the onboarding process we will provide you with a Partner ID. For authorization, all requests should include that data in the headers as follows:

Headers: {
    ... other headers,
    "Authorization": "Bearer {your_bearer_token}",
    "X-PARTNER-TOKEN": "{your_partner_token}"

Base URL

The base url for all requests is

All API requests must be made over https.


HTTP codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate a received, but invalid request. Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with AdQuick's servers.

HTTP Status Code Summary:

200 – OK Success

400 – Bad Request

401 – Unauthorized

402 – Request Failed

403 – Forbidden

404 – Not Found

429 – Too Many Requests


All index requests are paginated. They will include current_page and total_pages as part of the response body. The default number of records per page is 100.

  "current_page": 1, #=> the current page
  "total_pages: "7", #=> the total number of pages
  "records": [...] #=> an array of the data requested

Rate Limit

The default rate limit is 5 requests per second. The server will respond with HTTP code 429 if you've surpassed the rate limit.

General Workflow

This outlines the high-level workflow for planning and executing OOH campaigns via AdQuick API.

  1. Start by gathering all Media Types and saving them to your system. You'll need these to build a user interface that allows users to filter units by media type.

  2. Create an advertiser record for each advertiser that you want to enable for OOH buying via AdQuick.

  3. Submit campaign details to view a proposed campaign.

  4. Submit the selected proposal in order to complete the purchase of the inventory.

  5. Create a creative record for each design that the advertiser would like to use in the campaign.

  6. After a purchase is made, our API can be used to understand if a campaign is live and to access campaign reporting data.


Last updated